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Here to Help!

Swimmers or Parents/Carers have confidential access to our welfare support team.. Don't Hesitate!

Important Welfare Topics

The safety and welfare of all swimmers within the Club is the primary consideration of all coaching staff and the committee. The role of the welfare function is to support and ensure the long-term wellbeing and protection of all members within the aquatic sport environment.  


Lichfield Swimming Club adhere to Swim England 'Wavepower' This is Swim England’s guidance for safeguarding policy and procedures and is designed to keep us all safe and address any concerns we have.


Lichfield Swimming Club ensures that all persons who work with children in club have undertaken the appropriate training and relevant DBS checks and adhere to the required practices for safeguarding children and adults.


We encourage you to support the welfare of our children by following any advice given but also to report any concerns, no matter how small they seem. In the first instance any welfare, safeguarding or wellbeing concerns should be addressed to the appointed Club Welfare Officer, they are the clubs point of contact for Swimmers, Parents, Volunteers, Teachers and Coaches.  The welfare email address is confidential and only accessed by the Club Welfare Officer.


Send a Confidential Email to:



Welfare & Parent Liaison 

Codes of Conduct

Athletes (under 18)  Code of Conduct. PDF

Athletes (18 and over)  Code of Conduct. PDF

 Parents or Guardians  Code of Conduct. PDF

Coaches and Teachers  Code of Conduct. PDF

Committee, Officials & Volunteers Code of Conduct. PDF

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