Mature Swimmers (Masters)
Age 18 or above....pool or open water swim on a regular basis and want to progress your fitness, technique and competitiveness to a racing standard?
Lichfield Swimming Club invite you to join our regular training sessions to swim alongside the youth club members and receive expert advice on technique, fitness and nutrition.
Don't worry if Butterfly is not your stroke or tumble turns result in choking and breathlessness, here's a chance to learn...
or just focus your time on perfecting your preferred stroke.
Masters members are advised to swim a minimum of 2 sessions per week:
Masters swim on Saturday morning at 7am until 8:15 Friary & Monday Evening 8pm until 10pm at the Snowdome Tamworth Wednesday Oak Park 8.30-10pm ( space depending )
New swimmers may start on 1 or 2 sessions per week at the discretion of the Director of Swimming
Minimal equipment only required. Pull boy float & swim cap are a good start.
Due to space restrictions and swimmer ability, ALL SESSIONS ARE BY INVITIATION ONLY. Please discuss details with your coach.
The cost of club membership for Masters swimmers starts from £33 per month (2 session/week) .​Membership is paid by direct debit.